

Reager cited in article on the power of blogs

BlackOut Design, Inc. President Jack Reager was quoted in a Sunday Times article dealing with the growing popularity of corporate blogs as a powerful new tool for communicating with customers.

Featured in the “Northeastern Pennsylvania Business Weekly” section, the article cites Reager along with other Northeastern Pennsylvania business leaders, discussing how blogs have replaced traditional PR methods and can open up a mutually beneficial dialog between a business and its customers.

“Years ago, it was get a press release out, make sure you’re in the paper, make sure you’re in the TV news. Now, with technology, you can get your message out there and control it,” Reager is quoted as saying.

At BlackOut, we not only maintain our own corporate blog; we design, build and manage blogs for our clients. If you’re interested in learning how a blog can advance your marketing message, contact us at 570.341.3466 or